I understand the right pane in the main platfrom is prepared to do conversation with our AI, but not really confident if it is working well or not.
Once we post something, AI indicates “Working” but the same state remain forever.
It expected ChatGpt type of conversation in the form of THREAD, but it looks like it is not.
In the right pane, you have a conversation with your AI agent. Your messages are in white. Your AI agent’s responses are in yellow.
Your AI agent talks to GPT for you to get work done. That is happening behind the “Working” message. When that is going on, the little indicator underneath it spins. When it is done, you get a result message back below. If you want to see the conversation between your AI agent and GPT, click on the icon to expand it.
Please try it and let us know what would make this more meaningful / intuitive.
Thanks for your feedback.
To be honest, this right pane UX is bit confusing. Yes, it was expandable, after I post somethng. “Working” is one of the resons for such confusion. I recommend to throw other intuitive text once AI agent finished the process, and better icon to let the user know the result can be viewed by clicking icon.
So far, very much confusing.
Good feedback.
Rightly or wrongly, we actually don’t want users looking at all the back and forth with GPT except once in a while to investigate something. Because if they are going to do that, they might as well use ChatGPT directly.
Instead, you are meant to have an agent running stuff on your behalf so you don’t have to do it. That’s why all those details are hidden and only the results are shown.
In general, the agent is doing work and results are being updated in the data which is displayed on the left side of the screen.
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